You Held the Door, 
a Dodecahedron Formed, 2021

You Held the Door, a Dodecahedron Formed, 2021
Interactive Media Installation Activated by Movement Artists
Movement Artists: Crescent, Selene Phillips, Abby Baldwin 
Sound Collaborator: Davis Polito

You Held the Door, a Dodecahedron Formed utilizes body tracking to translate the physical and emotional distance between users into infographic representations. The work co-opts the language of the Sociogram, an infographic used to track the evolution of relationships within social groups. Red lines delineate the shifting spatial distance between bodies. An abstract soundscape is controlled live by the distance between bodies, the number of bodies detected, and their spatial positioning. The work ponders the representation of relationships while creating a space for relations to form.

This work was shown at an Interactive Art and Experimental Sound exhibition. Movement artists activated the interactive media Installation for a 30-minute performance, at all other times the work was open for the public to interact with. 

This project was completed with support from The Frank-Ratchye Studio for Creative Inquiry.